Clean Water, Clear Purpose

Delivering safe, reliable water to our neighbors since 1915

Friendly Reminder: Frozen Pipes = No Fun. Prep Now, Thank Yourself Later!

In October 1915, the Maine Legislature created the Bath Water District (BWD) to replace the Bath Water Company, which had provided drinking water to the region since 1887. BWD was established as a quasi-municipal organization under the direct ownership of its customers, separate from the City of Bath. Customers wanted a district because it allowed several municipalities to be serviced by one organization. Water districts have many of the same characteristics of local governments but differ in that they do not collect property taxes and are regulated by the Maine Public Utilities Commission.
Today the Bath Water District services approximately 3,500 residences and businesses with a population of about 15,000 people. The District obtains 100 percent of its water from Nequasset Lake, which it pumps into two tanks and approximately 50 miles of pipe.
The system is operated by a staff of 12 full time employees and is broken down into four operational departments including Pumping and Treatment, Customer Service, Distribution and Administration.